In a Nutshell:
Peugeot coffee grinders are beautiful, well-made manual coffee grinders offered by a legendary company.
Recommended For: Anyone interested in a classic manual coffee grinder offered by an iconic company.
Overall Rating
Recommended For: Anyone interested in a classic manual coffee grinder offered by an iconic company.
Do you love a great cup of coffee? Do you consider yourself to be a little old school? If you answered yes to both of those questions, then you’re going to love what you read in this—our Peugeot coffee grinder review.
Peugeot has been in the business for a very long time—longer, in fact, than almost any company in the industry. The company introduced its first coffee mill (The R model, also called the “Ordinary Model”) way back in 1840. That model, offered in ten different sizes, reigned supreme in the halls of Peugeot until 1855 when the company introduced the first cast-iron mills.
This served as the company’s mainstay offering until 1904 when they introduced the first decorated coffee mill. From there, the product line slowly expanded to what it is today.
Other innovations were introduced slowly over time, and today, Peugeot offers half a dozen expertly crafted, great-looking manual coffee grinders.
We’ll be the first to admit that manual coffee grinders are something of a niche product. In an age filled to overflowing with electronic gadgets and gizmos, it’s easy to find a high-quality electric grinder that can transform your fresh coffee beans into grounds in seconds.
It goes without saying that the process is significantly slower if you choose to use a manual grinder, but they have some advantages worth considering, even if you’re not opting for one for purely aesthetic reasons.
For instance, if you love camping, it can be highly inconvenient to take an electric grinder to the campground or campsite with you. Also, if the power fails, your electric grinder won’t do you any good at all. In those cases, it might be worth having a manual grinder to serve as a backup.
You may seldom need it, but if you’ve spent any time at all browsing manual coffee grinders, you‘ve already seen that they’re pretty cool looking, and aesthetics matter.
All that to say, as you’ll see in the sections that follow, these are not just cool devices. They’re also attractive and, even when not in use, will enhance the overall aesthetic of your kitchen. While they won’t appeal to everyone, the right person is going to love every model Peugeot has to offer. If your interest is piqued, read on, and let’s take a closer look.
An Overview of the Peugeot Brand
As we mentioned in the introduction, the company currently has half a dozen different Peugeot coffee mills on offer. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at them, discussing each briefly. Before we do that, we should mention one feature that all of the grinders on offer share in common, which is the grinding burrs.
All of the grinding burrs are stainless steel, and all grinding mechanisms come with a lifetime warranty.
On electric grinders, we prefer to see ceramic burrs because if you grind beans for several shots back to back with an electric grinder, metal burrs can overheat, which will result in burning your grounds, which translates into an awful, burnt-tasting drink.
In the case of manual grinders, this really isn’t an issue because the process is somewhat slower, so even if you grind beans for several drinks, you’re extremely unlikely to generate enough friction to significantly heat the grinding burrs. All that to say, stainless steel is perfectly fine here.
The Peugeot Bresil Coffee Mill
We love this design because it’s an updated version of the Peugeot manual coffee grinder originally offered during the 1840s. It features beechwood construction with a classic walnut stain. Beans are loaded into the grinding chamber at the top, and you collect your fresh ground coffee from the collection drawer at the bottom of the unit.
It’s a simple, elegant, time-tested design.
Also, note that there are effectively an infinite number of grind settings on offer here. You’ll definitely want to play around with this.
Turn the grinding dial in one direction, and you get a grind that is increasingly coarse. Turn it the other way, and you get a progressively finer grind.
It can actually be a lot of fun to slowly dial into your flavor sweet spot, and once you find it, you won’t have to adjust the settings again—with one important caveat. This assumes that you’re the only person using it.
If you have a busy household with a number of coffee drinkers, everybody will almost certainly have different preferences when it comes to flavor.
Some electric grinders have profile settings, but of course, that’s not the case here, so each person will have to fine-tune, which will result in lots of fiddling. Unfortunately, there’s really no good solution to this other than everybody getting their own grinder!
The Nostalgie/Antique
These are listed as two different grinders, although they are functionally the same. Both are made of beechwood like the vintage French Peugeot coffee grinder we just talked about, with the difference being that the Antique model is aged and hand stained, while the Nostalgie variant is not aged and stained more darkly.
As with the Bresil, these two models effectively have an infinite number of grind settings and see the beans loaded in the top portion of the grinder, with the ground coffee being retrievable from the collection drawer at the bottom. These are gorgeous machines that will look great in almost any kitchen.
The L’Arbre a Café Manual Grinder
Most of the Peugeot coffee mills currently on offer boast a vintage design. This one is a bit of a departure as it sports a sleek, modern design with a rounded top. It comes with a glass bottom that collects the ground coffee, a scoop, and a cleaning brush. The glass container has a capacity of 35g, which is enough to brew approximately two cups of coffee.
It’s a good design, especially if you’re not a fan of the vintage aesthetic that most of the company’s other products boast, but this model is not one of our favorites because of the limited number of grind settings on offer.
Granted, eleven grind settings will be fine for most people and most purposes. But in our view, the company has a good thing going with their designs that offer essentially an unlimited number of grind settings, and we’re not sure what was gained by departing from that convention here.
It’s not a big enough flaw to be an outright dealbreaker for most people, but it is a strike against this model.
The Peugeot Kronos Coffee Mill
Sporting an industrial look, the Kronos looks more durable than it actually is. While the handle and grinding burrs are stainless steel, the base is made out of plastic.
Further, although this is the least expensive Peugeot hand coffee grinder the company offers, its small size makes it somewhat difficult to hold while grinding, which has led to some user complaints. The collection bin has a 50g capacity.
The Paris Press
This is, in our view, the most interesting model that Peugeot has on offer. It’s a combination coffee grinder and coffee press, so you can use it to both grind your coffee beans and make yourself a hot cup of coffee.
Since it’s 100% manual, you can use it anywhere. If the power goes out at home, you can still get your coffee. You can take it with you on trips, or use it at your campsite if you love camping. It’s incredibly versatile.
The bean hopper holds 4-5 Peugeot scoops of beans, and the coffee chamber has a 500ml (19.2 ounces) capacity. To make coffee, all you have to do is grind your beans, add hot water, let sit for five minutes and depress the plunger, and enjoy a hot drink!
The Paris press sports a stainless-steel body and a glass carafe. While it’s not the most attractive model the company makes, what it lacks in striking good looks, it makes up for in versatility. If you’re the kind of person who travels or camps frequently, this model belongs on your shortlist of options to consider.
Pros & Cons of Peugeot Coffee Grinders
Here are the things we think you’ll like best about this line of Peugeot coffee mill grinders:
And here are the things you may not be pleased with:
Overall, we feel that the pros outweigh the cons by a significant margin, but we recognize that not everyone will reach the same conclusion.
Peugeot Coffee Grinder Review Conclusion
Although there’s a lot to like about Peugeot nostalgic coffee mills, as we said at the start, they’re not for everyone. At the end of the day, although we find these to be incredibly cool, they’re niche products.
As such, we can only give them a provisional recommendation.
Other Options to Consider
If you’ve reached the end of our vintage Peugeot coffee grinder review and have decided they’re just not for you for one reason or another, here are some other options to consider:
Recommended For: Anyone interested in classic manual or electric coffee grinders offered by an iconic company.
Where most of Peugeot’s products sport a vintage look, Hario’s offerings are much more modern in their appearance, and their product line is larger to boot. They’re excellent grinders and well worth a look.
Porlex grinders have an industrial aesthetic and tend to be somewhat less expensive than the ones we just talked about. If you’re a fan of that look, these grinders may be exactly what you’re looking for!
Recommended Reading
Zassenhaus Coffee Grinder Reviews
Our review delves into the top picks of Zassenhaus Coffee Grinders, showcasing the best from this renowned company.
Sources & Resources
- Peugeot, Official Brand Website.
- Top 5 Health Benefits of Drinking Espresso, Life Hack.
- Why the Right Grinder is Essential For a Great Cup of Coffee, Coffee Beans Delivered.
- How Ground Coffee Temperature Causes Uneven Espresso Extraction, Perfect Daily Grind.
- How to Grind Coffee Beans For Different Brewers, Death Wish Coffee Co.