In a Nutshell:

The Breville Nespresso Pixie is a cute, positively tiny espresso machine that will fit almost anywhere.
Recommended for: Anyone, but it’s ideal for smaller households.

Brew Quality
Reservoir Size
Customization options
Ease of Use

Overall Rating



  • Small Footprint
  • Ease of Use
  • Quick Brewing


  • Small Water Reservoir
  • Limited Coffee Variety
  • No Milk Frother
  • Niche Product
Nespresso Pixie Machine

Recommended For: Anyone, but it’s ideal for smaller households.

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Do you feel as though your day hasn’t truly begun until you’ve had that first, all-important Italian coffee or a shot of espresso? Is a trip to your local coffee shop an integral part of your daily routine?

Would you love to be able to brew lungo or espresso at home any time you have a craving for one?

If you answered yes to those questions, you’re going to be intrigued by what you read here in our Nespresso Pixie review. If you’re specifically interested in a pod-based machine and you always figured it was something you probably couldn’t afford, you’re about to fall in love.

We’ll be quick to admit that the Nespresso Pixie espresso maker won’t be for everyone. Purists will probably be looking for something that will allow them to use freshly ground beans rather than pods. People with relatively more space and money to spend will probably be more interested in a larger machine with more capabilities.

On the other hand, if you’re on a budget and you’re just looking for a top-quality espresso machine that has the basics covered, or if space is at a premium at your house, this model might be perfect for you.

In the sections that follow, we’ll step you through everything the little Pixie has to offer, and we won’t pull any punches when it comes to describing its shortcomings and limitations. That way, you’ll have all the details at your fingertips and can make an informed purchasing decision. If that sounds good to you, read on, and let’s take a closer look.

An Overview of the Nespresso Pixie Espresso Machine

Before we get into the particulars of the Nespresso Pixie, we first need to say a few words about the espresso machine ecosystem in general and how this unit fits into it.

Nespresso is owned by the Nestle Corporation, which you probably know about from their hot chocolate drinks. They actually do a whole lot more than that, and this handy machine is a case in point.

Black Nespresso Pixie Machine with a cup of coffee under its spout

It should be pointed out, however, that Nestle doesn’t actually manufacture Nespresso machines.

Instead, they license the design out to established coffee machine manufacturers like DeLonghi, Breville, and others. 

We’ve had readers ask about “the DeLonghi Nespresso Pixie,” “the Krups Nespresso Pixie,” and the like. 

Given the licensing arrangements we mentioned above, it’s true that you can find the model made by other coffee manufacturers, but they’ve all got the same specs.

If you prefer one manufacturer over another, by all means, go with the brand you know and trust. But for this review, we’ll focus specifically on the Breville Nespresso Pixie, though, again, it’s got the same space you’ll find if you get the same machine from a different manufacturer.

Nespresso Pixie C60 in silver case with a cup of coffee under its spout
Nespresso Pixie C60
Nespresso Pixie D60 in a red case with a cup of coffee under its spout
Nespresso Pixie D60

We should also point out that there are two different variants of this model. Depending on where you buy, you may see references to the Nespresso Pixie D60 and the Nespresso Pixie C60. These are virtually identical, with the only differences between them being purely cosmetic.

In particular, the C60 has ribbed sides and a wide, rounded spout, while the D60 has no ribs on the sides and a thinner tube-shaped spout. Color-wise, the C60 is offered in your choice of black or titan, while the D60 comes in blue or silver. That’s it.

Those are the only differences between the two variants.

With those details out of the way, let’s get down to an examination of what this little machine has to offer!

Form Factor, Footprint, & Aesthetic

We consider this to be a very strong component of our Nespresso Pixie review. In fact, the Pixie’s incredibly small footprint is one of the big things it has going for it. This little coffee powerhouse measures just 4.4” W x 9.3” D x 12.8” H. 

Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker with labels of its dimensions

Compare that to just about any other countertop coffee maker on the market today and you’ll see that it is positively tiny.

Even better, given its height, it will slide right under your existing kitchen cabinetry, and it only weighs 6.2 pounds, so it’s easy to pull out when you need to refill the water tank. Simply superb, and it’s worth mentioning that if you live in an RV or tiny home, this little machine is perfectly sized for your living arrangement.

Aesthetically, it’s got a decidedly modern look, and as mentioned, you have at least a few different color options depending on whether you opt for the C60 or D60.

If you have a retro or farm-style décor scheme in your kitchen, it will probably clash some, but in that case, its small size works to its favor since it can vanish into the background, and if your kitchen sports modern décor, the Pixie will fit right in.

Given its relatively low cost, it should come as no surprise that the bulk of the machine is made from plastic, and unlike more expensive models, this one has an aluminum boiler rather than stainless steel. Those facts won’t be a deal breaker for most, but if you’re looking for a stainless-steel espresso machine with a stainless-steel boiler, this isn’t the model you want.

Reservoir Size of the Breville Nespresso Pixie

We would not describe this as a strong component of our Nespresso Pixie review, but given the small size of the unit, it’s not terrible either. The water reservoir of the machine is just 24 ounces.

Water reservoir at the back of the Nespresso Pixie Espresso Machine

Given that the Nespresso Pixie is designed to brew one cup at a time, even if you make a lungo, it will only wind up using 1.35 ounces per drink, which means that a full tank will last you seventeen lungos, or 34 standard shots of espresso.

If you don’t drink a ton of coffee and you live alone, that should be fine. On the other hand, if you are a power drinker or if you live in a large household with a number of coffee drinkers, you’re going to find yourself having to refill the small water tank more often than you’d care to.

We doubt it’s something that will be a deal breaker for most people, but it is something to keep in the back of your mind.

The Boiler & Control System of the Nespresso Pixie Machine

Here, the little machine really shines, and we regard this as a very strong component of our Nespresso Pixie review.

Nespresso Pixie Espresso with it handle in upward position

The boiler heats up quickly, and from start to finish, you can expect your drink to take somewhere between 30-45 seconds to brew. While it’s true that more expensive machines feature faster heating, the Pixie compares favorably with similarly priced machines, and the wait time is really quite minimal.

Even better, Breville doesn’t skimp on quality here. The 19-bar pressure pump is capable of delivering rich, full-bodied espresso right to your cup on demand.

Where control systems are concerned, manufacturers have two roads they can take, broadly speaking.

They can use a digital control panel or keep it analog with dials and buttons.

Top part of Nespresso Pixie Machine with the Breville logo

The Pixie utilizes simple buttons, and we’re not at all surprised by this. Digital interfaces tend to be more expensive, and it seems clear that the design team behind the Pixie wanted to keep the price as low as they could.

There aren’t many buttons to contend with. You’ll find controls to adjust the cup size (standard shot or lungo), and you can adjust the timing of the auto-shutoff—choosing between 9 and 30 minutes. That’s it.

This reveals the one significant weakness of the Pixie. It can only make espresso and lungo. Granted, as a pod-based system, you’ve got a wide range of different types of coffees you can explore, but at the end of the day, you’ve only got two drink choices here.

The good news is that there’s a fairly simple workaround for that, which we’ll talk about next!

The Pixie Coffee Machine Cannot Froth Milk!

The reason that the Pixie is limited to only two types of drinks stems from the fact that this little unit does not contain either an auto-frother or a steam wand, so by itself, there’s no way to steam and texture milk, and without that, you’re limited in the kinds of specialty coffee drinks you can create.

Coffee Pod of Breville Nespresso Pixie

The solution is simple, though. Since this unit doesn’t cost a ton of money, you can greatly expand your options by pairing your Nespresso Pixie with an Aeroccino 3.

And what is an Aeroccino 3, you ask?

It’s a standalone milk frother, which you can find right here.

With the addition of this small device, measuring just 3.9” x 3.9” x 7.2”, you gain the ability to create just about any specialty coffee drink you can imagine, just like you can do with much larger and much more expensive machines.

If all you want is the ability to brew yourself an espresso or a lungo on demand, you won’t need this extra bit of technology, but if you want to expand the menu, this is the way to do it.

The Pixie is Super Easy to Clean

Breville has designed this unit so that you really can’t get too deeply into the innards, so keeping it clean mostly amounts to keeping the exterior surfaces—including the drip tray—wiped down.

Periodically, you’ll also need to run the unit through its descaling routine, which is also quite simple. You’ll find full instructions in the user manual.

Extras on Offer

If you decide you’ve just got to have a Pixie, when you order one, it will come with a variety pack of pods, giving you coffee to get started and giving you the means and opportunity to try a number of the coffee flavors Nestle offers where their Nespresso pods are concerned.

Then, when you need to order more, you can stock up right here.

Pros & Cons of Breville Nespresso Pixie Espresso Machine

The biggest advantages to buying either the Nespresso Pixie C60 or its close cousin, the Nespresso Pixie D60, are its delightfully small footprint and its ease of use.

The biggest potential drawbacks are that its small footprint necessarily means it has a smaller-than-average water reservoir and the fact that you can only make two types of coffee drinks (lungo and espresso) unless you invest in a bit of extra technology.

If you’re only interested in a machine that makes espresso or lungo, great! The Pixie is probably a perfect fit for you, especially if you live alone or nobody else in your house drinks a ton of coffee. If those things aren’t true, and assuming you’ve got counter space for a bigger and more robust machine, you’re probably better off looking at some other model.

Nespresso Pixie Review Conclusion

In our view, the Pixie is a good little machine, but it’s a niche product. It can make a wide range of coffee drinks, but only with the help of a separate milk frother.

It’s also kind of a self-selecting machine. At the end of the day, you’re either looking for something small or you’re not. You’re either looking for something that focuses on espressos and lungos or you’re not. You’re either interested in a pod-based machine or you’re not.

The Pixie will probably be your new best friend assuming all three of those apply to you, but as we said at the start here in our Nespresso Pixie review, this machine just isn’t going to be for everyone. On that basis, we can only give this one a provisional recommendation.

Other Options to Consider

If you’ve reached the end of our Nespresso Pixie review and have decided that this isn’t the machine you’ve been searching for, here are a couple of other options to consider:

The Bambino is another pod-based Nespresso machine, but this one is capable of making a wider range of drinks and comes with a steam wand for steaming and texturing milk. It’s both larger and more expensive, but it boasts a bigger water tank and is made of a mix of stainless steel and plastic. It’s a beautiful, capable machine that might be perfect for you.

De’Longhi ECAM35020B Dinamica Espresso Machine

Recommended For: Anyone who loves both coffee and convenience, and can afford it.

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If you’re not interested in a pod-based coffee machine and you’re looking for something that is almost entirely hands-free, the Dinamica belongs on your short list of options to consider. This is a great machine, offered by one of the giants in the industry that produces a good range of specialty coffee drinks with a minimum of fuss, wait time, or input. Simply amazing.

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